时间:2024.4.12. 下午2:30
指导单位: 党委教师工作部,
Dr. Matthew J. Van Cleave
College of Engineering and Science, University of Detroit Mercy
Topic: What is the true threat of AI?
This presentation, intended for all audiences, explores the ethical and social implications of emerging AI technologies. How much of the popular fear is hype? Does the hype— the “singularity” and existential threats to human existence— belie the real threats: human beings themselves? A particular focus will be on the promise and peril of AI in education. Do the social and ethical issues concerning AI differ in kind from past technologies that have been integrated into our lives? Can human values survive this integration or must they change? What is at stake in that integration?
Dr. Hayder Al-Jelawy
College of Engineering and Science, University of Detroit Mercy
Topic: Feature state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities available at the University of Detroit Mercy, demonstrating the hands-on learning experience that students can expect
Description:Join us for an insightful presentation showcasing the cutting-edge laboratories and facilities available at the University of Detroit Mercy. Our presentation will delve into the diverse array of hands-on learning experiences awaiting students within these state-of-the-art facilities.
Discover how our university fosters a dynamic learning environment through access to advanced technology and resources. From engineering to biology, chemistry to computer science, our facilities are designed to provide students with real-world, practical experience that prepares them for success in their chosen fields.